Corners without Hardware
Time and Money Saver! Corners without Hardware. To complete a corner without setting hardware you simply need to double post the corner leaving no more than a 4 inch gap between the two posts. Drill the post just like a mid-post and use a cable sleeve in the back of the post to keep cable […]
Measuring Your Stairs for Your New Hand Rail System
Whether you are purchasing one of our SunRail™ or RailEasy™ cable railing systems, there are a few details pertaining to your stair layout that we will need to know in order to properly fabricate your railing. The majority of the necessary stair details are summarized by our Stair Measuring Guide, provided upon the ordering of […]
Drilling mid post when using sleeves.
Time saver! Drilling mid post when using sleeves. If you are using sleeves over 4×4 post you can drill all initial through holes into the sleeve with the 7/32 bit and barely tap the 4 x 4 inside. Then remove the sleeve and drill the post with a larger bit, 1/4″ works well. This goes faster and […]